An Iconic Stopover
Work-In-Progress Gander Airport’s International Lounge—and its proud history—is now accessible to the non-travelling public.
By Kristina Ljubanovic
Photos by Curtiss Randolph
1. The Toronto Telegram Newsstand “I put copies of newspapers in it from the day my daughter was born, which was during the ice storm. And copies of my DIY Toronto [a fanzine/poster on Toronto culture from 1975 to 1989].”
2. To-do Lists “I have my work, and all these things I do that are not work, and all the things I don’t have to do but really should do. I have [the lists] electronically, but I need to use a Sharpie and keep changing them up so they’re not too clean.”
3. I AM HERE Postcard Stack and Portrait “I have a copy of every single postcard that was in the exhibition. Someone saw this postcard of [my wife] Shellie and [daughter] Meredith and they drew it, and we have no idea who it was. I want to post it eventually on Instagram saying ‘Thank you’ and ‘Who are you?’”
4. Emeco Chair and Table “My chair is definitely Emeco. I don’t know how vintage it is except to say that I bought it in 2001 so it’s at least that old. The table is light aluminum—and older. The person who sold it to me said it was Emeco 1940s. I think that it’s possibly 1940s but probably not Emeco.”
5. Books “I have the [Bruce] Mau stack. Then there are AGO books. Some are both.”